Sustainable Mgmt. Environmental Mgmt.

The Best Partner for Your Needs

Environmental Management

A sustainable eco-friendly company based on Environmental Management System certification

TIC strives to become a sustainable and eco-friendly company by complying with domestic and international environmental regulations, implementing optimized pollution prevention facilities, and reducing emissions of pollutants, energy usage, and greenhouse gases, based on internationally recognized environmental management system certification.

Environmental Management

Efforts are made to identify air pollutants generated during the production process or from products and to manage and conserve the air environment appropriately. TIC also sets internal environmental standards below 30% of the legal limits and works towards environmental conservation.
Measures are taken to prevent water pollution generated during the production process, and pollutants are treated to levels below 30% of the legal discharge standards, as required by the Water Environment Conservation Act.
Resource Circulation
Waste generated at the workplace is minimized, and waste is thoroughly segregated and managed according to the disposal method. Improvement in waste management practices ensures efficient resource circulation.
