Sustainable Mgmt. Ethical Mgmt.

The Best Partner for Your Needs

Ethical Management

A trusted company based on ethical management

TIC puts the highest value on “transparent business” in company business and activities, and always practices “ethical regulations” for transparent, fair, and reasonable work activities.

Ethical business

  • Dependence and management with stakeholders
  • Observance of rules and company ethics
  • Fulfillment of the social responsibilities of company
Ethical behavioral guidelines on the tangible and intangible assets of company
Finance execution under transparent principles
Protection of the physical and intellectual property rights and sales confidentiality of the company
Ethical behavioral guidelines among employees
Mutual respect among employees
Condolences and congratulations expenditure among employees
Prohibition of gift giving among employees
Prevention of sexual harassment within the company
Ethical behavioral guidelines regarding the prohibition on exchanging bribes and inappropriate grants
No provision of bribes and inappropriate grants to stakeholders
No exchange of bribes and improper objects from the stakeholder company
Report procedure when receiving monetary goods, gifts, treat, and entertainment
Example of behavioral standard on inappropriate grants or bribes
No wrongful acts using position
Non grants providing convenience
No demand of debt redemption and guarantee
No gift giving among employees
No borrowing for real estate
No future guarantees
No wrongful transactions