최고를 추구하는 티아이씨(주)의 연삭기술 연삭기사업부

제품 상세보기

전용기 TG860i
5-Axis CNC Tool Grinding Machine
고정밀, 다기능, 고성능, 고품위 연삭을 실현한 공구연삭기 동시 5축 제어연삭 숫돌교환 간단 편리한 조작성 사용공구 재연삭 헬리칼 볼 엔드밀 연삭


Technical Data TG860i
Max.diameter 300mm
Center height 162mm
Grinding table X-axis Longitudinal traverse distance X-axis 370mm
Swivel table W-axis Swivel in horizontal plane 270˚
Cross travel Z-axis Longitudinal traverse 860mm
Vertical travel Y-axis Vertical travel 280mm
Grinding head Grinding spindle taper on both sides HSK-C 50
Grinding wheel dia 150mm
Max.rpm of wheel spindle 8000rpm
Workhead Work spindle taper ISO 50
Number of indexes 1-999
Resolution X-, Y- and Z-axis 0.001mm
A-and W-axis 0.001Grad
Coolant Coolant capacity 700ℓ
Dirve output rating Grinding motor, peak capacity 7.5kw
Longitudinal path drive motor X-axis 2.0kw
Workhead drive motor A-axis 0.9kw
Cross travel drive motor Z-axis 3.0kw
Vertical travel drive motor Y-axis 3.0kw
Swivel table direct drive motor W-axis 1.26kw
Total power rating 23kw
Net weight 4600kg

연삭기 제품영업

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  • TEL 055-255-5051
  • FAX 055-297-1923
  • E-mail dsk505@ticg.co.kr